I've found a simple method to clean mine. But second to cleaning them is drying them that will not cause the bristles to fall out or get deformed. I don't want that to happen to mine even when what I have are relatively inexpensive. So here are a few tips.
You'll need your make up brushes, of course. A body wash and an old bath net. Some would recommend baby shampoo but I want to use what's already on hand.
Place a pea-sized amount of body wash or shampoo on your palm. Do NOT add water yet. Put your brush right smack on the soap and make circular motions until the bristles get saturated. Rinse brush and repeat the process until the water runs clear when you rinse. Squeeze out the water gently.
Now this is when your old bath net comes to use. Cut a length that is longer than your brush.
Tie a knot at one end, wrap the net around your brush and make another knot to lock it in place. Do you wonder why I did this instead of just letting it dry lying down on a towel or just hanging?
You cannot leave the brush lying on it's side to dry because the water would collect there, soften the glue and make the bristles fall out. The net makes it easier to hang the brush AND helps it retain its shape AND makes sure it dries completely in no time.
See, ain't nothi' to it.
Thin brushes easily slip through the holes on the net but luckily most of them would be just right for the clips to grip. I used small rubber brands on the tips for the brushes to retain their shape.
Viola! Clean brushes!
But wait, there's more. You have to keep them clean too. I got this brush holder from Michael's in the US but you can use any other pen holder.
Now you have a reason to collect the shower caps from hotels. This will keep dust from falling into your brushes.
I hope you found my tips and DIY helpful.. Til next post!
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