We Went A Clammin'

Our family loves going to the beach. Coming from places where the beaches are easily accessible, it's sad that the beach we like is 3 hours away. So whenever an opportunity presents itself, we just head out and get a good dose of sand, sea and sun. Uh, the sun just goes with the whole package. If it were optional, I'd most likely tick that off the list. And on second thought, I do like that the beach is far from us. You know how the world has gone out of sorts lately.

   When the country recently celebrated its Water Festival, which meant 9 days without school, we just had to get out of the city and head for the beach! (Daughter says it should be an exclamation point to stress just how much strong emotions we had about it.)

    Being creatures of habit, we went back to Sokha Beach Resort in Sihanoukville. It's easy enough to see why we love going there.

    I can't say who was more delighted to discover the clams on the seashore. We became so engrossed at digging that we hardly noticed hubby taking snapshots of us. 

      Clams dig their way up to the shore in the late afternoon to feed and go back to the sea at daytime. Being there at the perfect time meant the clams were in abundance.

     The digging went on for quite some time. The kids pretended to be disgusted when the clams spat on them but went on digging anyhow. Thank goodness we only had the late afternoon sun beaming down on us.

     It was time to let them go. I had so much fun doing this with the kids. Rare are the times when I do not have to be a parent to them. Just someone they can play with and do simple things we enjoy. Beaches are where they are happiest. We may not be able to do this often, but the times we do, we try to make them count.

'Til next post!



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